Whether you're a Marvel fan or not, it's clear that King In Black has been one of the most popular comics this year. However, with its ending in #5, was it worth the price of admission? Let's take a look at what exactly happened over the course of this five-part series and see if it was worth your time and money:
King In Black by Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman has been a blockbuster this entire year, but with its ending, #5, is it worth the price of admission or just another Marvel event?
With its conclusion, King In Black #5 is worth the price of admission. The series has been a blockbuster this entire year, and it gives readers a satisfying conclusion to the story. King In Black #5 was action-packed from start to finish and provided an excellent conclusion to Donny Cates’ and Ryan Stegman’s epic event.
One of the more memorable moments in King In Black #5 was when a team of heroes teleported to Knull-Venom. They were separated from one another, and each hero had to face a different challenge.
The story in this five part series is about Knull, the god of symbiotes, who comes to the Earth to wage war on the Ares and his people.
The story in this five part series is about Knull, the god of symbiotes, who comes to the Earth to wage war on the Ares and his people. You will learn more about Knull's origin and purpose as he takes over many different hosts. He takes over Eddie Brock (Venom) and tries to convince him to join his side but Brock refuses and their battle begins!
King In Black #5 was action-packed from start to finish and provided an excellent conclusion to Donny Cates’ and Ryan Stegman’s epic event. King In Black #5 was action-packed from start to finish and provided an excellent conclusion to Donny Cates’ and Ryan Stegman’s epic eventThis miniseries has been receiving a lot of hype before its release due to the popularity of the Venom comics and movie. The story itself is very interesting because it provides insight into how Knull came to be in this alternate timeline where he didn't get trapped beneath the earth..
There have been multiple tie-ins leading up to the end of this series.
If you're a fan of King In Black, and want to read some tie-ins, they're not necessary to enjoy the series. However, they do give more insight into the characters and a few more surprises here and there.
If you are looking for something that is good, these tie-ins aren't it. They don't offer anything significant in terms of character development or plotline advancement; they just add more confusion to an already complicated story (and will probably leave you scratching your head).
It's also worth mentioning that these issues cost $3.99 each - this is double what most comics cost nowadays - so if you're thinking about buying them because they sound interesting...don't bother!
The first book featured a battle between Knull and Venom.
The first book featured a battle between Knull and Venom. Venom was the first character to encounter Knull, and he was able to defeat him before he could destroy the Earth. In fact, Venom was able to stop Knull from destroying the universe.
The battle between Venom and Knull was a great story. It was an exciting read, but I didn't enjoy it as much as the first book.
The second featured Eddie Brock “passing” as a normal human in his hometown.
The second featured Eddie Brock “passing” as a normal human in his hometown. As you may or may not know, Eddie Brock is formerly known as Venom and was once an alien symbiote who bonded with Peter Parker. The current version of this character is a former journalist and anti-hero who has ties to Hydra and the Guardians of the Galaxy. He’s also been mentioned multiple times on Agents of SHIELD and even had a brief appearance in Spider-Man: Homecoming.
The third issue was a fight between Knull and Thor.
The third issue was a fight between Knull and Thor.
Knull had the god killer sword, but also possessed the hammer of Thor. He used both to defeat the thunder god and forced him to retreat. The fourth issue starts with Thor returning with a new weapon in hand: Stormbreaker!
The fifth issue is a little different because it's mostly about Thanos and his daughter Gamora. After being resurrected by Knull, they're now on a mission to kill everyone in the universe.
The fourth issue contained Iron Man helping a new teenager learn how to use her powers.
Iron Man helped a new teenager learn how to use her powers. He helped her to control her powers, understand them and learn how to use them properly. This issue also featured a story about Iron Man helping a young man who lost his arm after an accident. In this case, Iron Man had to create a special device that would allow him to move around easily despite having only one arm - something he could not do otherwise.
And finally, this one had almost everyone else fighting Knull.
The ending was a good one, in my opinion. It was surprising and unexpected, but not in an unpleasant way. It made me think about the story differently and made me appreciate the art even more than I already did.
There were some moments where I thought to myself: “Oh, that character should have been wearing a different color shirt!” or “That panel could have used some more detail work!” But that's just because I'm very particular when it comes to details (and colors). The art is amazing overall and makes reading this comic worth every penny spent on it—it's well worth reading every issue until you reach the end of King In Black Volume 1!
King In Black was not worth the $6.99 per issue price tag, nor was it worth reading every single issue of this event, but it did provide an excellent conclusion that was action-packed with great art that we have come to expect from this creative team.
King In Black was not worth the $6.99 per issue price tag, nor was it worth reading every single issue of this event, but it did provide an excellent conclusion that was action-packed with great art that we have come to expect from this creative team.
The book had some issues along the way when it came to pacing and characterization, but by the end of King in Black #5 we were left with a satisfying ending for both protagonists and antagonists alike. There were also plenty of hints about what's coming next for these characters as well as other supporting cast members across all five issues (like Witch Doctor).
Overall, this was an exciting conclusion to the series.